It's About Time

Dear readers,

By the time you get this, I will be on the plane to New York and in two days time I’ll be on a stage doing my TEDx talk, fulfilling a long-awaited dream of mine.
Here is a three minute video of the different speakers. I’m definitely going to be the grandma Moses of the group. But it should be fun to work with all these kids. We have one day before the event to meet and read our speeches.

We’ve had many conference calls discussing it. All of our speeches are “It’s about time” and our subject matter after that. Mine is “It’s about time we rethink age.” It’s our job at home to practice by ourselves over and over and over and over until we are spot on.
I hope when I write to you next I can say “I nailed it!” 

​This is a little beautiful video with all the players in it and a lovely song written just for the occasion by Skye Dyer.

Hope you enjoy and wish me luck. I’m taking you with me!

- Beverlye


We Are In This Together!


It's Our Time, It's Our Turn